Thank You, Five: Post Show Chat with Scott Cote
Performer: Scott Cote
Production: Something Rotten!
Role: Brother Jeremiah
What can you tell me about the process, from building the show to completing the tour?
One great thing is that the writers were in rehearsals with us, which doesn’t usually happen when a tour goes out. They were still tweaking little moments in the show and rewriting things, so that was pretty awesome, getting to work with them because that doesn’t normally happen.
The cast of Something Rotten! (Photo Credit: Jeremy Daniel)
Did you know anything about the show before beginning your audition process and getting cast in it?
I had seen the show twice before I got the part.
Are there any major differences between the touring production and what was on Broadway?
The only major difference is that the writers rewrote the “To Thy Known Self Section.” The a capella section, that’s not in the Broadway version. It’s completely different for tours.
What, if anything, did you do you build on the original character to make it your own?
There’s some flair in there! I tried not to completely copy, but I stole a few things that I liked. I try to make it mostly my own, and the costume helps. When I put on my costume, I immediately knew who this man was!